3M™ Pressure Sensitive Acrylic Foam Tape RT8004 is a 0.4 mm (.016 inch) thick, medium-density, Grey, pressure sensitive acrylic foam tape used for the attachment of automotive exterior trim parts such as body side mouldings. 3M Acrylic Foam Tape RT8004US offers the following key features:
3M Acrylic Foam Tape RT8004US is designed for the attachment of automotive exterior trim parts, such as body side mouldings and spoilers. 3M Acrylic Foam Tape RT8004US provides an advanced adhesive system that adheres well to traditional, low surface energy and scratch- and mar-resistant automotive paint systems. Since product performance will depend on actual conditions within a specific application, it is essential that the user evaluate the 3M product to determine whether it is fit for a particular material purpose and suitable for the users method of application.
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