3M™ Camera Link Industrial Camera Cable Assembly, MDR, 14x26 Series is ideal for connecting machine vision cameras to frame grabber boards. It features MDR 26-position plug connectors on both ends. The assembly is available in base-medium and full configurations, PoCL/non-PoCL, and versions for non-motion and motion applications to meet a broad range of electrical and mechanical requirements. 3M™ Camera Link Industrial Camera Cable Assembly, MDR, 14x26 Series is part of a wide variety of total interconnect solutions from 3M – one of the originators of the Camera Link standard.
For reliable connections even in tight or complex spaces, the camera side MDR connector of the 14x26 Series is available in straight, upward and downward versions. These angled cable connectors enable smaller-footprint connections and help reduce stress on cables, especially on motion applications. The frame grabber side features a Starlight MDR connector. Plus, thumbscrews provide rugged retention even in applications requiring repetitive motion.
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